Monday, 30 November 2015

T4 W8

Book Character Parade.

"Okay, i'm ready." I yelled down the hallway.  "Okay, lets go." My dad yelled back.  We went outside, got into the car and drove to school.

"Good morning children."  Mrs Melville mumbled in a squeaky voice (she was dressed as little red riding hoods grandma).  "Mrs Melville wasn't feeling very well today so she asked me to fill in." she went on.  "I can see a lot of my grand daughters." she continued.  After looking at everyone's costumes she asked me "Who are you?" I replied "I'm Mary-Kate from Mary-Kate and Ashley."  "Oh interesting." she complimented.  After we had finished our morning meeting, Mrs Melville instructed the class to sit down outside (for the book character parade) so everyone did that.

Junior classes were walking around in their adorable costumes and everyone was clapping.  I was counting how many people were dressed as Elsa and I ended up counting about twelve.  Finally it was our turn to go up so we did.  When we had finished going around we sat down and watched everyone else go around.  

All the classes had finished going around and people started getting prizes.  The people from our class that got a prize was Quinn, Mikey, Micah and Hudson.  My cousin also got a prize.  The prizes were a certificate and a two dollar voucher for the lunch order room.  When the book character parade was over we went back to class and got changed back into our uniforms for the rest of the day.  I really enjoyed the book character parade and I already know what i'm going to be next year.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Bike Skills

My Reflection

I was learning how to ride a bike.  I found it tricky at first but now I know how to ride a bike!  My next step is to ride while standing up.  I really enjoyed bike skills and I can't wait until next time.

My year reflection

My Year Reflection

This year I was learning how to do SDL.  One goal I accomplished this year was reaching SDL level four.  An important decision I made this year was to try finish all my task.  This year I tried to be a better person by trying to finish all of my tasks.  My favorite memory from this year was when Mrs Melville's puppies came to visit.  The funniest thing that happened this year was when one of the puppies peed on someone.  I have really enjoyed being in this class and I will miss it next year.

Monday, 23 November 2015

My Narrative

My Reflection

I was learning to write a Narrative.  I found it difficult because I took a while to think of a fairy tale for my narrative.  My next step is to write a narrative with nonfiction text.

Friday, 20 November 2015

T4 W6

Bike Skills

On Wednesday room twenty-nine went to bike skills.  I wasn't really excited about it but I did enjoy it anyway, and I'll tell you why.

I came back from morning tea and lined up outside of class when Mrs Melville instructed "Year fives stay outside because we are going to bike skills."  I went inside anyway because I needed to put my jumper away.   So I put my jumper in my bag, lined up outside (again) and we went down to the field.

When we got to the field everyone chorused "Good morning Keri and Satalie."  (Keri and Satalie are our bike skills teachers.)  "Good morning room twenty-nine." Keri replied.  "Next week will be our last week here." Keri informed.  "Ohhhhhh." everyone moaned.  "Okay everyone get into your groups and we will get started."  So everyone got into their groups (I got into the learners group) and we got started.

The learners group got to use up half of the field even though there was only three if us.  Satailie told us that she was going to do the same as last week so I did some pushing and gliding while I waited for Satalie.  About three minutes later Satalie came over and held the side of the bike then I pedaled around half the field.  Suddenly Satalie let go of the bike, I was looking straight and still pedaling, then I realised I was doing this by myself.  I was riding a bike all by my self!  I was so proud of myself I was actually riding a bike!  When I finished riding I felt so happy.  So I really enjoyed bike skills and I can't wait until next week.

Ways People Speak - In fairy tales

My Reflection

I was learning to find ways people speak in fairy tales.  I found it interesting because I have never thought about how people speak when I am reading a fairy tale.  My next step is to look at how people are speaking in non-fiction text.

Thursday, 19 November 2015


My Reflection

Last Tuesday the dolphins swimming group went to the school pool and swam.  First we had to do a warm-up, and the warm-up we did was kicking.  When we were doing our kicking first we had to kick slowly, then a little faster, then a little more faster, then finally we had to kick really fast.  Most of the girls were screaming because we got soaking wet.

After the warm-up we had to get into the pool, when we did that all the girls were screaming.  Usaully when you get into a pool you use a latter, but we get into the pool differently.  So when we get into the pool we have to put our hands next to us, then we turn around and lower ourselves into the pool.  So everyone got into the pool and then we did something else.

Then we got to play a game of ball tag, which I found really fun.  Mr Wright told us the instructions to the game and we started.  The first person with the ball was Mr Wright, then the ball hit someone else, and that kept on happening until Mr Wright said "Okay everyone you can have about six minutes of free time."  So we got free time

I rushed to the tires and I actually got one this time (finally)!  For half of the free time I was sitting in the tire being dragged around by my friend, then she pushed me out of the tire!  So I started doing what I usaully do.  Then about three minutes later Mr Wright said "Okay everybody, time to get out." So that's what everyone did.  I really enjoyed swimming and I can't wait to go again.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

My Te tuhi art

My Reflection

On Monday room 29 went to Te tuhi because we were having a trip there.  We were learning to make collage art.  I found it easy because we did a lot of cutting and glueing and the is simple.  My next step is to make a 3-D collage

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

My Fractured fairy tale

My Reflection

I was learning to write a middle of a fractured fairy tale.  I had to remake the one I did last week.  I found it quite easy because I just had to add some stuff and change some words.  My next step is to write the end to a fractured fairy tale.

Friday, 13 November 2015

T4 W5

Bike Skills

"Year fives, line up outside we are going to bike skills."  Mr Wright exclaimed.  "Nooooo." I thought to myself, I don't really know how to ride a bike, but i'm not the only one, two of my friends aren't very good too.  Everyone lined up outside and we went down to the field.

When we got to the field everyone got into their teams (by the way, we have teams).  After we got into our teams, we had to put on our helmets (for safety).  Next we had to get our bikes and line up in our teams.  When it was my turn I was going at the same time as one of my friends and we were going really slow because we don't even know how to ride!

Later we got into a group of three people, and I was one of them.  We were the learners group.  What we were doing in the learners group was pushing and gliding, which means we would sit on the bike, then push off from the ground and try balance for as long as we can.  After a while a girl named Satalie said "Okay now I'm going to hold the back of your bike and you're going to pedal all the way to the pole." So I did what she told me, suddenly everyone started to ride through where I was going!  So we went half way.  When we got back to the start everyone wasn't going through where I was meant to go so Satalie took me to the pole.

When we had finished I felt quite tired and I also felt happy.  I found bike skills really fun and I can't wait until next week.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Language features (in fairy tales)

My Reflection

I was learning to find three different language features in a fairy tale, the language features were adverbs, adjectives and similes.  I found it tricky because I found the text very long.  My next step is to find language features in non-fiction text.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Narrative Writing

My Reflection

 I was learning to write an introduction to a fractured fairy tale.  I had to watch two videos and read an example of a fractured fairy tale.  I found it easy because I didn't have to do much.  My next step is to write a full fractured fairy tale.

Friday, 6 November 2015

T4 W4


It's term four, that means swimming, actaully that's what we did yesterday so I'll tell you about it.  "It's soooo hot, I can't wait to go swimming." I moaned.  "I know, me too."  Tanielle replied.  Suddenly the bell rang.  "Yay!" we both yelled.  Then we rushed off to class.

"If you are a dolphin swimmer then you need to get your togs to go to the pool." Mr Wright instructed.  "Yes." I said to myself.  I went to the cloak bay, grabbed my bag and lined up outside then we headed down to the pool.

When we got to the pool I went into the changing room and came out about one minute later.  I walked towards the pool and got in.  "Ahhhh." I screamed.  "It's so cold."  "Okay everyone, we're going to be airplanes." said Mr Wright flapping his arms around like a penguin.  Everyone copied him and started freezing as they got splashed with the water.  Finally we got told stop and we started to do something else.

About five minutes later Mr Wright said "Okay you can have five minutes of free time, but if you're to cold you can get out and go to class."  Mrs Robinson had already got out all of the equipment and everyone started rushing towards the tires (which I hardly ever get) so I grabbed the throwing rings and through them into the water.  We had soooo much fun that's why the day ended sooo fast.  Over all I had an amazing day.

Determining Credibility.

My Reflection

I have been learning to know if something is fact or opinion or biased or balanced.  I had to read two websites.  I found it easy because I didn't have to do much.  My next step is to use my learning for all websites.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

My Narrative

My Reflection

I was learning to write a narrative.  I had write a framework for the story.  I found it difficult because I forgot most of the story.  My next step is to write my own narrative.

Friday, 30 October 2015

T4 W3

Fantastic Friday

"Yay, today's Friday!" I said "Fantastic Friday! (Fantastic Friday is something that we do on a Friday afternoon, and we get to do really fun activities.) said Annika (Annika is one of my friends.) "We're gonna do cool science, I can't wait." replied Tanielle (Tanielle is another one of my friends.) "You guys are lucky, I have to do ukulele." Annika complained.  "I know." I teased.  "Oh yay, it's lunch time!" shouted Tanielle. "Then we can do cool science." I sang.  We raced to the cloak bay and grabbed our lunch boxes for lunch.

After lunch time everyone dashed to where they had to go for Fantastic Friday (I was going to my class because that's where cool science was happening.)  "Hello everyone, welcome to cool science." cheered Mrs Robinson.  "Good afternoon Mrs Robinson." Grumbled everyone.  "Usually Mrs Graham will be here but since she's away I will be here." Mrs Robinson replied.  "Today we will be doing the egg drop challenge, do any of you know what that is?" Asked Mrs Robinson.  Everyone started putting their hands up.  Finally Mrs Robinson said "What we are going to do is, we will give you a bag of materials and an egg, so what you have to do is make something to protect your egg, and before we give you the materials get into groups." Mrs Robinson instructed.  Everyone started moving around and then I was in a group.

Mrs Robinson started handing out plastic bags with materials in them.  I saw some string, two straws, some newspaper and a green balloon. "You can also use tape and scissors." Mrs Robinson commented.  "Okay you can start.... now." Everyone started rushing and then ten minutes later Mrs Robinson said... "Everyone stop!"  Everyone paused in rush and excitement.  "We are going to the shade area to drop our eggs now."  Everyone started walking down to the shade area and then my group said "Paige your dropping it." Then I rushed up to the top of the shade area and it was my turn I stood up on the bench and dropped the egg hidden inside its wrapping.  When I ran down to the bottom I grabbed our egg and opened it.  Everyone from my group gathered around me asking question like "Did it survive?"  "Is it okay?"  "What happened."  When the egg was finally reveled we saw that it had ...... CRACKED!!!  We were all like "NOOOOOOOO!"  When we got back into our room everyone went back to their class and Fantastic Friday was over.  I thought it was fantastic!

Identifying Authors Bias

My Reflection

I have been learning about balanced and biased stories.  I had to read some balanced and biased stories and then write my own.  I found writing my own balanced and biased stories tricky because I took a while to find something to write about.  My next step is to write longer articles.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

My Character Description

My Reflection

I was learning to write a character description of my grandparents.  I had to watch a video and read an example of a character description.  I found it easy because I didn't really have to do much.  My next step is to write a character description about myself.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Fact or Opinion

My Reflection

I was learning about fact and opinion.  I had to read some text and write the authors opinion.  I thought it was a little tricky because I got stuck on the connection question.  My next step is to write my own fact and opinion.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Probabillity with Yahtzee

My Reflection
I was learning about probability.  I had to play Yahtzee and using probability.  I thought it was fun because I enjoy the game and I like probability.  My next step is to learn more about probability.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Fact Finding in Non-Fiction Texts

My Reflection
I was learning to find facts in non-fiction texts.  I had to find three articles, one about sports, one of my choice and one news one.  I thought it was difficult because I took a while to chose a sport one.  My next step is to find facts in fiction.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Geometry - Tessellation

My Reflection

I was learning to make tessellation.  I had to do some practice activities.  I thought it was difficult because I didn't understand the first and second practice activity.  I chose to share my learning by screen recording myself doing a practice activity.  I thought it was easy because I know how to screen record.  My next step is to make my own tessellation.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Kensuke's Kingdom Interview

My Reflection

I was learning to my experiences to relate to the characters.  I had to come up with interview questions.  I thought it was tricky because it was difficult to come up questions.  My next step is to make connections when I am reading.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Extending Knowledge - Kensukes Kingdom

My Reflection

I have been learning new words.  I had to write what I thought what the words meant.  I found it difficult because I have never heard these words before.  I also had to find out the real meanings for the words using a dictionary.  I found it easy because I have used the dictionary before.  My Next step is to use big words in my writing.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Figurative Writing

Figurative Writing
My Reflection

I was learning about Figurative Writing. I had do some practice activity's.  I thought they were easy because they were easy for my age.  I chose share my learning by creating this blog post.  I thought it was easy because I have made a lot of blog post before and i'm a Digi kid.  My next step is to write a story with similes.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

I got my Digikids Badge

On Tuesday I went to Digi kids and Mrs Melville said "I have a surprise for all of you." "What is it?" Everyone said.  "It's this." said Mrs Melville as she held up a bag full of Digi kids badges " Yay!" said everyone "We're getting our Digi kids badges!" "So Paige here's your badge." said Mrs Melville as she handed me my badge.  "Thank you." I said as she gave me the badge.  I walked proudly back to my table with my badge in my hand.  When I got to my table I struggled to get my badge on but then about two minutes later I got my badge on.  "Okay everyone that's all we have for today's Digi kids session so can you put away any stuff that you got out of the libary." Mrs Melville said as everyone left.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Haiku Poem

My Reflection

I was learning to write a Haiku poem.  I had to pick a season to write about.  I thought it was easy because I like Autumn.  I chose to share my learning by creating this blog post.  I thought it was easy because I have made a lot of blog post before.  My next step is to write a Haiku poem about a different season.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Explanation Writing Lesson 3

My Reflection

I was learning to write a clear explanation for an audience.  I had to write a brainstorm for my writing.  I thought it was easy because I have made a wind chime before so I knew all the instructions.  My next step is to write an explanation with out writing a brainstorm.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Kensukes Kingdom Chapter 2

My Reflection
I was learning to use diagrams and labels.  First I had to read Chapter 2 of Kensukes Kingdom.  I thought it was easy because I have already read the book.  I chose to share my learning by creating this blog post.

Explanation Writing Lesson Two

What to do in an earthquake.

Do you know what to do in an earthquake?  First if you are outside move away from any trees or buildings.  Then drop down and form into a ball.  Next cover your neck with one hand and cover your head with the other hand.  Finally you stay there until the shaking stops.  If you are inside and an earthquake happens you go under a door frame and hold onto the sides until the shaking stops, or you could go under a table then with one hand cover your head and with the other hand hold one leg of the table until the shaking stops.  You only use this when you need to like if you’re doing a play that has an earthquake in it or if you’re teaching people what to do in an earthquake but you most importantly have to use this in an earthquake!

My Reflection
I was learning to write an explanation. First I had to write a brain storm. I thought it was easy because I knew what I had to write about. I chose to share my learning by creating this blog post. I thought it was tricky because I got confused with the html codes. My next step is to write an explanation without doing a brain storm.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Explanation Writing

I was learning to understand explanation writing and the structure of an explanation.  First I had to read information about explanation writing.  I enjoyed the explanation game because it helped me learn about explanation writing.  I found the explanation quiz tricky.  My next step is to write my own explanation.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

My Kaitiaki Art

My Kaitiaki is Purama.  I used cool to write some adjectives about my God.  I enjoyed this art because I liked the part when I got to use cool text.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Comparing Characters Venn Diagram

 My Reflection 

I was learning to identify character traits and to compare characters based on these traits.  I had to look for my characters physical traits and their social traits.  The hardest traits to find were the emotional because I didn't really get my characters feelings.  The easiest traits were the physical traits because there was a picture of my character on the front cover of my book.

My Speech

How Youtube is good for you

What has learning videos, videos that can make you happy when you’re sad and lots of fun and interesting videos, thats right Youtube.  Hi i’m Paige, somehow Youtube is good for you and I am here to tell you how !

Well firstly did you know that there are a whole bunch educational video’s on Youtube for example, there are videos that can help you understand a subject more than you already know, like there are some videos that show you how to learn a maths strategy or how to read words okay well let’s just say there’s some videos that make you feel like you’re in a class room.  Did you know there are also tutorial videos like there are videos on Youtube like there are drawing step by step tutorial videos, cooking tutorials, and makeup tutorials I mean you would do some learning from a makeup video right?

Secondly when you are sad, bored or if you just want to go onto Youtube you can go onto Youtube for about half an hour and by the end of the day you won’t feel sad or bored you’ll feel happy and well happy.

Thirdly and finally did you know that if you create a Youtube channel you might get paid five dollars every one thousand views so you can get paid for doing something you love witch is making videos because you know thats what a Youtube channel is uploading videos I mean what else would you do with a Youtube channel?

So I hope you enjoyed my speech and I hope you might use Youtube but not to much !

My Reflection

In class we have been learning to write a speech, I have done a informative speech.  I found it easy to write my conclusion for my speech because I found that it was the easiest part of my speech.  I found it tricky to find a topic speech because there is so many topics to chose from.  Next time I could make my speech longer.

Friday, 12 June 2015

T2 W8


A few weeks ago I went to Harvey Norman and brought a chromebook laptop for the BYOD program we are doing at school.  Two weeks ago I brought my laptop to school to get a special update put into my laptop, and a couple hours later my laptop got delivered to my class!  I was soooooo super excited that I get to use my new laptop at school because I was the first girl to have my own laptop to use at school.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Addition and Subtraction strategies Slideshow

 My Reflection 
I was learning how to use addition and subtraction strategies.  I found creating the place value partitioning S.C easy because I already knew the S.C for place value partitioning.  I got stuck at the part where I had to create the S.C for rounding and conpensating because I forgot the S.C .

Thursday, 7 May 2015

T2 W3

The Mayor came to School!

On Monday the Mayor Len Brown came to our school to award us with the highest Enviroschools award the Green Gold Enviroschools Award !  On Monday everyone had to come the school early because we were having a very special Powhiri for the Mayor.  When we got to the Powhiri we had to be very quit.  It took quite a while for the Mayor to get to the Powhiri so everyone had to wait a while.  When the Mayor finally came we started doing the school haka and actions.  Then the school Kapa Haka sang a song called EIAIE. After that Matua Whienza said a Greeting the the Mayor.  Next the Juinor Chior sang a song and then the Mayor said a Greeting. Later the Mayor sang a song then finally we got our ...... GREEN GOLD AWARD!!!! 

Saturday, 28 March 2015


My Reflection 
In class we have been reading Charlottes web by E.B White and we have also been doing some activity's that follow the story.  One of the activity's was stereotypes.  The easiest Person/Animal was the Senior Citizens because I only had to fill out to questions.  My next step is to upload some more Charlottes web activity's to my blog.

100 word challenge

Suddenly I saw

One day I was sitting in my spa enjoying my 20 million pancakes, watching my flatscreen TV when suddenly I saw my Dad in a Weatbix commercial!  I dropped my breakfast, jumped out of the spa and ended up hugging the TV screaming, "We're gonna be rich, we're gonna be rich!"  I managed to get over it.  When my Dad got home I said, "How much money did you get today?" And he gave me two dollars!  My mouth just fell open.  Then he said, "Can you help me get the other 20 million dollars out of the car?"
By Paige 

My Reflection

Every Monday in class for writing we do something called the 100 word challenge.  The 100 word challenge is when we write a piece of writing that has to be 100 words.  This week we had to right the words suddenly I saw in our writing.  The easiest part of the writing was the begining because we got to brain storm before we started writing.  My next step is to write another suddenly I saw.

Charlottes web diagram

My Reflection 

In class we have been reading Charlottes web by E.B White.  We have also been doing some activity's and one of the activity's was a true and false about spiders.  The easiest question was " A spider's leg has seven segments. " because it said in one of the parts.  My next step is to finish more activity's and upload them to my blog.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

My Pepeha

My Reflection

This is my Pepeha.  I have been learning to introduce myself using my Pepeha.  We also made some out to display my Pepeha.

T1 W8

Life Education Van            

Last week Room 29 went to the life Education van.  We got to meet Harold the giraffe and Celia the life ed teacher.  The class had to watch a sort clip about Harold's friend Billy moving schools and how he felt.  We also learnt about feelings such as guilty, happy, sad, angry, lonely etc .  The whole class also got a Life ed activity book.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

T1 W7

My Pepeha art

For the past few weeks the class has been doing a type of art called Pepeha art.  Our  pepeha arts have four different backgrounds to them.  The backgrounds represent our culture, our river , our moutain and a free choice.   The hardest area to do was my culture because it had lots of detail to it.  I really enjoyed doing the free choice area because I got to chose what I wanted to have in it.

Monday, 16 March 2015

My Place value Maths

My Reflection
I was learning to read numbers up to 900 000 and to say which is bigger or smaller.

The thing that helped me most was 
 seeing patterns in the numbers that don’t change when they get bigger

My next step is to
try the same activity suing bigger numbers

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Term 1 Week 5

Last week room 29 went to Te tuhi to make our tapa cloths.  It took quite a long time to get there because we had to walk and it took for ever.  The first thing we did when we got there was ... wait, yeah we had to wait for or Te tuhi teacher his name was Jermey and he helps us with our art and he shows us stuff, and all that.  A little while later we had to go to the art room and then Jermey was talking to us about what we had to do.  So first when we got our tapa cloths we had scrunch them up into a ball to make them all crinkly and old looking.  Then we had to put dye all over our tapa cloth papers.

Term 1 Week 6

Yesterday I went to digikids because I am a digikid ( YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ).  At digikids we learnt how to change our backgrounds on our blogs and we also learnt how to make an apropriate comment and the last thing we learnt was how to change our backgrounds and pictures on email ( But I already knew how to do that ) .  My most favourite thing to do was change our backgrounds on our blog because ever since I knew you could change backgrounds on blogs I always wanted to.  I can't wait until next week at digikids because next week we will be doing coding ( OMG ) !!!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

My African Praise Poem

My Reflection

I have been learning to write an African Praise Poem.  I found this work interesting because I have never done an African praise poem before.  My next step is to write an even more detailed African praise poem.

My 2015 welcome post

Hi my name is Paige and this is my learning blog.  I am year 5 and this year my teachers are Mrs Melville and Mrs Graham.  I enjoy drawing and swimming.  This year I am looking forward to the class sleep overs which you will hear about in a future blog post.  I hope you will enjoy my blog this year and please leave lots of feedback.