Monday, 30 November 2015

T4 W8

Book Character Parade.

"Okay, i'm ready." I yelled down the hallway.  "Okay, lets go." My dad yelled back.  We went outside, got into the car and drove to school.

"Good morning children."  Mrs Melville mumbled in a squeaky voice (she was dressed as little red riding hoods grandma).  "Mrs Melville wasn't feeling very well today so she asked me to fill in." she went on.  "I can see a lot of my grand daughters." she continued.  After looking at everyone's costumes she asked me "Who are you?" I replied "I'm Mary-Kate from Mary-Kate and Ashley."  "Oh interesting." she complimented.  After we had finished our morning meeting, Mrs Melville instructed the class to sit down outside (for the book character parade) so everyone did that.

Junior classes were walking around in their adorable costumes and everyone was clapping.  I was counting how many people were dressed as Elsa and I ended up counting about twelve.  Finally it was our turn to go up so we did.  When we had finished going around we sat down and watched everyone else go around.  

All the classes had finished going around and people started getting prizes.  The people from our class that got a prize was Quinn, Mikey, Micah and Hudson.  My cousin also got a prize.  The prizes were a certificate and a two dollar voucher for the lunch order room.  When the book character parade was over we went back to class and got changed back into our uniforms for the rest of the day.  I really enjoyed the book character parade and I already know what i'm going to be next year.

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